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Cole R1 School District



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Proposition K.I.D.S. Keep Improving District School text with mascot
Last November, voters approved Proposition K.I.D.S. - Keep Improving District Schools $5 million bond issue by 71%. The district worked with L.J. Hart & Company and was able to secure a total of $5.5 million in bond funding for the capital improvement projects. The district obtained the bond funding without a tax levy increase over the current .95 cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation debt service fund levy.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” - Benjamin Franklin

Thanks to MoCAAT and Community Point Bank, our district will earn even more interest. The district invested the $5.5 million with both of these facilities to maximize our return in investments, ROI. We anticipate a 55.9% increase in our ROI by the end of this year and an additional 78% increase for the next year, if interest rates remain the same and we do not exceed our projected expenditures until we spend the funds.

Capital Improvement Projects and Timeline

Jr./Sr. High School Building - Completed as Promised!

  • Construct eight additional classrooms - GBH Builders has completed construction July 2024. At its March 2023 meeting, the Board of Education awarded a contract to GBH Builders Inc. from Jefferson City for $1,681,075 to construct the eight new classrooms.

The board also awarded contracts to the following businesses for the classroom additions:

  • Summit Mechanical Inc. for Fire Sprinkler System - $50,250
  • Clearview Mechanical Inc. for HVAC - $115,400
  • MidStates Energy Co. LLC for electrical - $86,354

Additional Jr./Sr. high school building updates and repairs

  • Add and upgrade security cameras - Completed Spring 2024
  • Purchase technology, furniture and fixtures for new classrooms - Completed Spring 2024
  • Complete masonry repairs along the gymnasium wall to prevent further leaks - Completed
  • Replace the connector between the Ag. and main buildings to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements - Completed

Elementary BuildingDiagram of New Playground Equipment Purchased for Elementary School

  • Remove existing playground equipment - Completed mid-June
  • Regrade existing playground - Project continues as a utility line had to be rerouted. 
  • Purchase new playground equipment and install new surface material for accessibility - ensuring ALL of our students have access to our playground facilities is a priority. The new equipment will include special swings for our students who are wheelchair bound and the surface material will provide easy access to the equipment. Completed Fall 2023
  • Install new fire alarm system and modify 8 exterior doors to increase safety and security - Completed
  • Pour concrete sidewalk and stairs as well as install new guard rails in the courtyard - Completed fall 2022
  • Install new HVAC system for two rooms - Completed May 2023
  • Purchase new speaker system for gymnasium - Completed May 2023

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan CSIP

Last year, the school district approved its Comprehensive School Improvement Plan or (CSIP). The CSIP is the district’s strategic plan that was developed through a collaborative process involving both internal and external stakeholders. This is a living document that will guide our district in continuous improvement efforts to provide the best education and facilities for the students we serve as well as our teachers and administrators. The district established three main priorities in the CSIP.

  • Priority Area 1 - Teaching/Learning
  • Priority Area 2 - Collaborative Culture/Staff
  • Priority Area 3 - Funding/Facilities

The funding provided from the Prop K.I.D.S. bond has given the district the opportunity to make great strides in our SMART Goals for our Funding and Facilities priorities. Our students and staff will benefit greatly from these capital improvement projects. We are proud of our district, its staff and our students. We want to provide them with every opportunity possible. We look forward to working together with our contractors, the community and our staff to make these significant improvements to our school district. Together, we will work to educate all students and develop the foundation of tomorrow’s community by expecting excellence today!

Additional Resources

If you have additional questions, feel free to contact Dr. Jeff Jennewein, Superintendent, Cole County R-1 at jjennewein@coler1indians.org or at 573-782-3534.